Therapeutic Yoga & Pure Ease Yoga
Therapeutic Yoga is a mindful and personalized approach to reducing pain, improving your flexibility, enhancing your strength and stability. Get out of pain and enjoy what is important to you – now! Therapeutic Yoga is wonderful for…
Anyone with chronic or acute pain, strain, or tension, or those who are experiencing nagging back, knee, shoulder or other strains from life activities.
Anyone feeling things are just getting harder as you age, wanting to do something about it, but not sure where to start.
You set your goals, I assess your movement patterns and restrictions of body/breath/mind. Then I create a personalized program to progress you toward your goals. We move forward together.
Therapeutic Yoga is available one-on-one with Darcy, or in semi-private groups.
Read my newsletter Why I Love Yoga Therapy to learn more about therapeutic yoga and what to expect in a session.
In Bowenwork we offer a very gentle form of bodywork focusing on the fascial system, leading to neuromuscular re-patterning. Small, gentle, precise moves are made on muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves, triggering the body’s internal healing response to restore balance, ease, and improved function. Fascial and nerve receptors activated during treatment act to calm the body and mind, and facilitate the body’s ability to heal. Uniquely, Bowenwork has a pause, a somatosensory integration time, between each sequence of Bowen moves. This allows the body to better utilize the information from the moves, supporting the body’s own wisdom to bring lasting change. Helpful to most conditions; appropriate for most people.
See my newsletter What I Love About Bowenwork to learn more about Bowenwork and what to expect in a session.
McLaughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR)
MSTR® is an innovative, pain-free, natural method of helping you with your scars. A scar is considered ‘active’ if, upon gentle palpation, it does not move harmoniously with its surrounding tissues. Gentle, finger-tip pressure is applied to the area to help free the restrictions in the scar. No force is involved and the work is always applied within your tolerance.
Check out my newsletter about Why I Love MSTR to learn more, including what/how we can help, and what to expect in a session.
Meditation & Mindfulness
Find clarity, empathy, self-acceptance, emotional resilience, improved focus, improved relationships … ultimately a more joyful life, regardless of circumstances.
Mindfulness, a step along the way toward meditation, allows us to connect to our inner life and also to connect more meaningfully with others.
Read my newsletter What I Love About Meditation to learn more.
Family Constellations
In Family Constellations, we begin with finding new perspectives of the family soul and our place within it, and from here, often the physical, mental and emotional bodies also find more ease. When we face seemingly intractable issues in our life, Family Constellations broadens our view to see our lives, ourselves, and our challenges from the perspective of a larger context. Based on the work of Bert Hellinger.
Learn more in My Love Affair with Family Constellations.
Spiritual Growth
The Art of Joyful Living is a header for many of the Spiritual Development courses and programs at TLC. Programs include exploring the Yamas & Niyamas, Yoga’s “jewels” of ethical & spiritual living; Pigs Eat Wolves, a journey where we grow ourselves up toward mastery of skillful living; one on one coaching; and more.
For workshop offerings, check out our full list. To learn more about how Spiritual Growth plays a role at TLC, read more in TLC News.
“Happy to report that my first day [skiing] at Sunday River was excellent! I attribute it to Therapeutic Yoga and You!”