“Presenting issue: rib injury from a fall.
As expected there was fatigue that afternoon; thanks for giving me permission to sleep/rest which I did. I also was sore a bit like I’d done some sit-ups. So I noticed that for a day or so along with the pain in my ribs. Yesterday afternoon things really started getting better and I did my yoga practice. Today even more so….. I took a super long walk with my dog deep into the woods; I felt so grateful to be able to do that. My cold is better too so I have more energy. Thanks so much for your help. I’m certain that the Bowen contributed to the improvements.”
“Presenting issue: chronic lowerback pain.
After my Bowenwork last week I ended up dozing off twice that afternoon. My lower back was sore, but not in a painful I-strained-it way. And I felt amazing the next day! I hadn’t noticed that my back was compressed and my posture was hunched until it wasn’t anymore! Amazing! I’m so glad you suggested it for me and I want to continue.
Thanks for your continued patience, support.”
“Presenting issue: extreme burning pain in hip.
You’re freaking me out Darcy! So, last night …I had almost no pain! And I was restless so I could only be on my back for an hour. The rest of the night I was on either side. I felt a moving sensation in that right hip but only a mild burn for a brief time. I don’t understand what you did but omg! ”
“Presenting issue: fall leading to fractured sacrum and shoulder injury
Darcy’s Bowenwork treatments have worked well for me. Pain in my neck, hips, and shoulder decreased and ability to move normally improved with her care. Darcy is amazing in her understanding of the body and skill to treat. I always feel better after time with her. ”
“Presenting issue: chronic headaches, neck pain.
This is the first night in two weeks that I don’t have a headache!! So grateful for your sacred work!!!”
“Presenting issue: sciatica.
When I was recently struggling with severe sciatica, I went to Darcy for help. I began feeling better from my very first therapeutic yoga session. Going forward Darcy intuited that alternating therapeutic yoga with Bowenwork could bring the most relief. It was EXACTLY what I needed! I’m fully recovered now, but am continuing with both the yoga and Bowenwork, which are supporting me in reaching an even greater level of health. I recommend Darcy’s work whole-heartedly and without reservation!”
Therapeutic Yoga
“Presenting issue: chronic lowerback pain, sciatica
Ever since you worked with me I’ve been able to stay ahead of my back pain for the most part. If my lights are blaring yellow, I know what to do. My sciatic pain while driving to and from Boston didn’t rear its ugly head. Normally even riding in the passenger seat is painful and had been for about 6 years. I’d like to book some more sessions with you but in the meantime wanted to tell you how grateful I am for your help and expertise”
“Presenting issue: build stability and strength.
Happy to report that my first day [skiing] at Sunday River was excellent! I attribute it to Therapeutic Yoga and You!”
“Presenting issue: injuries from a fall affecting hip, lower back.
My body took a big hit in a jolting fall while I was hiking one day in October. One of the most helpful things Darcy did was to point out that I now had a different body after the fall than before the fall. I was not healing because my movements were too intense. Darcy pulled me back, and pulled me back some more, supporting me to see and accept what was true for my body now. Over time I have begun to experience greater freedom of movement and know without question I am moving towards an even more functional body than I knew before the fall. I am basically pain-free and can even return to a supported cross-legged position while meditating
Darcy’s ability to “see” what was happening and her ability to ask me to “try” something were both approaches I appreciated. It helped me feel curious also; more like we were a team exploring together. ”
“Presenting issue: inoperable torn rotator cuff
Darcy recommended some exercises that worked very nicely with the physical therapy exercises that I have been using. Not only did the exercises for the chronic pain in my shoulders help to relax my shoulder, but my whole body. Some of the exercises can be done at any time of the day, at the computer and in the car, assisting me to think about how to further relax the muscles and my whole body. The 3 sessions to assist in alleviating the chronic pain in my shoulder have accomplished that with an emphasis on whole body wellness.”
“Happy to report that my first day at Sunday River [skiing] was excellent! I attribute it to Yoga and You!”
“Presenting issue: bladder leaks
A note of gratitude. I’ll be contacting you soon for another appointment. I have such a sense of ease with the “weathervane,” [a breathing practice] I’m so grateful to you. I’ve had virtually no bladder leaks for a couple weeks. I’m able to access a different set of muscles somehow, that reach down and scoop up, instead of kegel-ing into a squished crunch. Amazing! ”
“Presenting issue: chronic upper back pain.
Darcy! I can’t thank you enough for yesterday’s session - I repeated some of the exercises later in the evening - upper back this morning was much better!!!! I know I have to continue - but really given the severity of how constrictive I felt - I was beaming this morning after one session!!!”
“Presenting issue: chronic pelvic pain
The benefits [of my home program] are unbelievable! I went in thinking I was going to be doing Yoga moves and who would think breathing techniques could have such a powerful effect. Thank you very much for teaching me some totally amazing techniques. Thank you could never be BIG enough!”
“Presenting issue: back and foot pain
Having this time with you to focus just on my well-being was a gift. You did an entire exam, can’t think of a better word, of my body. Where I feel pain or discomfort, where I hold my stress. Since our session, I have a better understanding of how I can find ease. Not by force but finding the place of pain or discomfort and then I like to think as if to back off from the pain or the discomfort [and move more functionally]. The awareness is so important.”
“Presenting issue: limitations and pain post hip replacement
[When I started] most movements created some discomfort in the [hip] joint. Darcy was very careful about limiting the movements and focusing on very small increments of movement. I appreciated the direct instruction and I found that I became more aware of the ideas of resting some areas of my body [that were overworking] and limiting movement to a specific joint or muscle set [vs compensating]. The homework has led to more movement in my right hip joint. ”
“Presenting issue: scars on knee from ACL/MCL/meniscus tears/ surgery.
The MSTR seemed to work quickly for me. Since, I’ve noticed increased range of motion and decreased numbness. I have no more discomfort from adhesions around the scar and felt I was able to put more into my yoga sessions creating even more success! I’m very pleased to be back on my way to 100% after my surgery. And the color even lightened up from dark purply to pale pink so it’s not so noticeable! … By the way, the yoga exercises you gave me helped break up more adhesions around the knee cap! Feels great!!”
Spiritual Development Work
“Being in this study group been one of the most impactful and transformative experiences I’ve EVER had. The sharing, the learning, the quest for truth and the trusting openness that is fostered here is frankly indescribable.... It is an honor to be in this very special Family of Seekers. Thank you Darcy for making this unique oasis available to us. I will be forever grateful. ”
“Just so you know, I consider you the anchor of my “team”. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you getting me on the road to better health. When I think about how I was when I met you I marvel at how little I knew about me. The Universe sent you to begin a new way to live. Thank you. ”
“I have found the year long exploration of the Yamas and Niyamas very valuable. The model of some guided conversation when we meet, then time for reflection and group conversation followed by a month of reading and posting online has been just right for me. I’m not someone who follows a set practice of reflecting so the meetings are good anchor points. I think it is important to have a group that can speak out loud to each other and then the posts continue the threads from the meeting. It helps that the posts are shaped by the questions that go along with each chapter of the book. I can imagine doing another round of the book as each reading, conversation and reflection leads to new thoughts about the yoga principles and how they can affect my thinking and my life. ”
“The Yamas & Niyamas Class has allowed me to be kinder to myself (with all my imperfections). It has helped me to communicate more openly & honestly with others. I also feel it has helped me pause & better reflect about my own reaction to other’s behavior which ultimately helps me deal with the stress of certain situations.”
“Thank-you for your leadership. One thing you said has resonated with me; you said something to the effect “show up for the practice even if it seems ineffective at the time”. I’ve been overwhelmed and exhausted - and I’ve found a truth in doing just that - with my morning yoga and prayer practice as well as the readings and reflections of the Yamas and Niyamas anchoring my days’ direction and intentions.”
“Participating in this group study has been enriching and transformative. The experience has been both a mirror, helping me to know and understand myself in a new way; and a guide to living life joyfully, consciously and well. Almost a year later I am more grounded, more open and more at ease with myself and in my daily life - I am profoundly grateful to have had this opportunity to learn and grow in such a thoughtfully designed study of the Yamas & Niyamas, with a wonderful and insightful teacher and a lovely group of kind and kindred women.”
“I cannot ever say enough about what this study, with you, has done for my spiritual walk. I only know that you will understand because you are practicing it alongside us, supporting us and just being present with your wisdom, humor and well-timed “nudges” when we get stuck and don’t see it (or DO see it but don’t want to yet!) … I am progressing with self-acceptance and leaving things alone instead of worrying so much or caving in to guilt. … This study becomes more and more fascinating as we go deeper...I am amazed at how freeing this work is. (Pigs Eat Wolves)”
Meditation & Mindfulness
“When I left last night I knew I would come back. Hoping to expand my awareness. I think I have only seen a crack on what you have to offer...much more than meditation and or yoga but a sort of knowing or road to enlightenment - and I use that word carefully. Not quite sure what role you play in my path but there is something in you I can relate to, and your teachings hit home quite often.”
“I had an experience / sensation / feeling on Tuesday at the end of class (when we were just starting to transition to sitting after yoga nidra) that I wanted to share, but wasn’t sure how to convey... This morning, I happened on a poem by Kip Mazury and it seems to me that what I experienced just might have been a moment of the bliss he describes, and that the breath-work you guided us through was a gateway...”
Group PureEase Yoga
“I had such hip and back pain last night that I considered not coming to class. I didn’t think that was a good reason though so I took 2 ibuprofens (which I rarely do) and came anyways. The process you led us through relieved 90% of the pain before I left for home and I still feel great this morning.”
“I am still amazed and grateful for the work you did with me. What was uncovered still continues to unfold for me. ”
“I have found that working with Darcy through the Family Constellations has brought greater understanding into my life. I have new empathy for and charity towards myself and my family, for the ways in which we have grown ourselves up together.”