Gratitude & Spaciousness

One of the blessings for which I am most grateful is my on-going Meditation Practice. Although I have been meditating since first learning as a teen, I continue learning how to enrich, revitalize and deepen my practice. Lately I have been exploring the relationship of spaciousness in body, mind and heart to my sitting practice. As I discover how to experience more spaciousness on my cushion, so I am learning how to experience this off my cushion as well.

Spaciousness as balm, especially now

At this time of year, as we transition to cold and winter, to the busy holiday season, and beyond an emotional election process, spaciousness within could make such a difference for all of us. And of course we “pass on” whatever is in us – stress, flu, peace, spaciousness!  I know what I prefer to  both experience and share!

Sample “side effects” of a practice of spaciousness:

  • more ease in tight tissues – especially back, neck, shoulders, jaw

  • as your breath shifts, your nervous system can settle, affecting digestion, hormonal balance, circulation, and more

  • more “presence” ie more of you present to yourself and the moment

  • leading to improved connections/relationship in the moment, whether with a family member or the cashier at the store

I could go on – but you get the picture!So – I have decided to offer a new 4 week meditation class:“Spaciousness for the Season” 

Class format: we will do a bit of movement to loosen up and begin get us present in our bodies, some breathing practice, perhaps some “yin yoga” (supported deep relaxation pose), and at least one guided meditation.  (The guided meditation can be done reclining or seated on floor or chair, as you like.)

Privates - Bowenwork, Therapeutic Yoga - mix and match as best suits your needs! All the major systems of the body are influenced during a Bowen treatment: nervous, fascial and skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, immune, lymphatic – supporting muscle coordination, postural alignment, and overall structural and functional integrity.

More seasonal wellness tips to support keeping you and your family healthy this coming winter cold & flu season: Diffuse OnGuard Essential Oil Blend (or use handy OnGuard gel caps or cough drops). OnGuard blend smells slightly cinnamon-y, or like hot spiced cider!  Diffuse Breathe Essential Oil blend to support eased breathing passageways. More family wellness ideas from DoTerra - call me for a free consult about Essential Oils.