Wonder, Joy & Love
Sounds like a perfect holiday greeting! And while I do heartily wish all of these for you, I also celebrate these as Jessie’s legacy to me, to all of us.
As many of you know, my beloved companion and Turning Light’s resident Therapy Dog, moved on in her soul’s journey this November, after over 15.5 years. She always had a wiggle and a hello for everyone (including students, clients, friends and strangers), even when she was in pain that last day. And even though some of those greetings were also obviously farewells.
In my deep sadness and loss, I have also been filled with wonder and awe of who she was, grateful that we found each other and got to share a life. I know it is the nature of life to grow old and die. I know that dogs have a much shorter lifespan than humans. I know she was growing old, had more aches and pains. I noticed our world began to get smaller as I chose to focus my time on her company, comfort and ease. I know she was ready to move on. We can “know” these things, and still feel deep sadness and loss.
“I learned that grief is a season of love. ”
And so I embrace my tears and heartache. I chose these when I chose to love her. I am grateful so many of you have shared your tears and love with me, with us. Many of you have felt her presence living on in, even embracing, Turning Light and the healing that happens here.
I have thought about how to honor her legacy. Below I share some of her wisdom, as one way to honor the Gift of her in my life and as I practice what she taught me.
Jessie’s Legacy:
Be present, Now.
Open your heart.
Be free of judgments: of yourself, of others.
Roll in the new snow!
Invite others to play with you!
Take naps.
Save room for dessert. Actually there’s always room for one last treat.
Be up for anything on a moment’s notice!
Run like the wind! Leap like a deer! Spin like a dervish! Let your tongue hang out in joyful abandon!
Laugh often.
Every interaction is an opportunity to give love and therefore a good reason to be alive.
Disappointments happen but “keeping score” is a waste of good energy.
Learning and new experiences are among life’s main joys.
Always remember life is a precious gift, never to be wasted.
She has returned to me a zest for living and helped me open my heart wider. Jessie has made me a better human being during these years we were gifted together. (She even inspired me this last year to learn MSTR and Bowenwork for dogs to help her and other canine pals.) This journey of becoming is not over until it’s all over. (and then perhaps not even then!)
“ So, this holiday season, I offer to you these gifts Jessie has given me. May your hearts and spirits be filled with Wonder, Joy and Love – and may you share that spirit with those you encounter. ”